
Photo Courtesy of the APEC Secretariat, www.apec.org
Executive Training

Photo Courtesy of the APEC Secretariat, www.apec.org
Executive Training
Strengthening regional economic integration and prosperity across Asia and the Pacific is the Centre’s driving purpose.
We have an enviable record in designing and delivering tailored training programs and capacity building programs for government,
business, not-for-profits and academic institutions.
Strengthening regional economic integration and prosperity across Asia and the Pacific is the Centre’s driving purpose.
We have an enviable record in designing and delivering tailored training programs and capacity building programs for government,
business, not-for-profits and academic institutions.

Photo Courtesy of the APEC Secretariat, www.apec.org
Executive Training
Strengthening regional economic integration and prosperity across Asia and the Pacific is the Centre’s driving purpose.
We have an enviable record in designing and delivering tailored training programs and capacity building programs for government,
business, not-for-profits and academic institutions.

Eligibility Criteria

Women citizens or permanent residents of an overseas development assistance (ODA) eligible APEC economy (Note: Participants from non-ODA eligible economies are welcome to participate on the online sessions and self-fund their travel costs for the face-to-face sessions.)
Founder or key decision maker in a small to medium enterprise (1 applicant per enterprise)
Professional proficiency in the English language.
Have a reliable internet connection to commit attendance for all online sessions from November 2023 – June 2024
Available to travel to Melbourne, Australia to join the face-to-face sessions from 5-9 March 2024**
*ODA eligible APEC Economies: China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam.
**International travel costs will be covered for a maximum of 2 (two) participants from each ODA-eligible economies (this includes return flight tickets in Economy class, visa cost, travel insurance, return airport transfers, 4-night accommodation in Melbourne, and per diem). The 2 (two) participants will be chosen based on the alignment of their application against the selection criteria.
Women with disabilities; indigenous women and women from ethnic, religious, or cultural minority groups; and women living in rural and remote areas are encouraged to apply.
We are committed to enabling equitable and fair participation by all and are able to offer reasonable assistance and adjustments to meet specific accessibility requirements that applicants may have for both the online and face-to-face components of the program, including travel to Australia.
Applications for the 2024 cohort have now closed.
Please reach out to info@apec.org.au for further enquiries.