
Photo Courtesy of the APEC Secretariat, www.apec.org
Executive Training

Photo Courtesy of the APEC Secretariat, www.apec.org
Executive Training
Strengthening regional economic integration and prosperity across Asia and the Pacific is the Centre’s driving purpose.
We have an enviable record in designing and delivering tailored training programs and capacity building programs for government,
business, not-for-profits and academic institutions.
Strengthening regional economic integration and prosperity across Asia and the Pacific is the Centre’s driving purpose.
We have an enviable record in designing and delivering tailored training programs and capacity building programs for government,
business, not-for-profits and academic institutions.

Photo Courtesy of the APEC Secretariat, www.apec.org
Executive Training
Strengthening regional economic integration and prosperity across Asia and the Pacific is the Centre’s driving purpose.
We have an enviable record in designing and delivering tailored training programs and capacity building programs for government,
business, not-for-profits and academic institutions.
About us

AusPECC coordinates Australian involvement in PECC work, currently covering a broad range of trade and economic policy and implementation issues, including in regional integration, digitalisation, e-commerce, sustainability, inclusion, trade and economic structural reform, supply chain resilience, services regulation, and regional economic outlook collaboration.

The Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) is a non-governmental body in the Asia Pacific, serving as a regional forum for cooperation and policy coordination to promote regional economic growth and development. It provides independent business and research input for the regional policy-making process.

Advisory Board
AusPECC Secretariat
Arjuna Nadaraja
Arjuna is a former Australian government trade official and a highly respected expert on trade in services, particularly professional services, across the Asia-Pacific region. He has more than 30 years' experience in government policy, services trade negotiations, international services competitiveness policy, and in domestic regulatory reform. Arjuna has led the development and implementation of domestic policy and international initiatives on advancing the international competitiveness of Australia’s services sector. He has collaborated extensively with the Australian APEC Study Centre across a range of trade and economic issues, contributing high-level expertise and leadership.
Kristen Bondietti
Kristen is an adviser and analyst on international trade regulation, law and policy. She has over 15 years’ experience consulting to business and organisations in Australia, ASEAN and the APEC region on policy issues relevant to APEC’s agenda including on services trade, technical regulation, trade agreements and trade facilitation. Kristen has on-ground consulting experience across APEC and has served as a research support for AusPECC for the past two years, including working closely with the AusPECC Chair on the PECC Signature Project 'FTAAP Pathways to Prosperity'.

Bonnie Rivendell
(Lead Staffer)
Bonnie is an experienced program manager, responsible for leading and coordinating multistakeholder and capacity building projects to support APEC's agenda in the region. She has served on the AusPECC Secretariat for many years, directly supporting the Chair and AusAPECC's contribution to PECC, including the PECC Signature Project on FTAAP, as well as APEC projects on services and structural reform, gender, trade and inclusion and digital standards.

Rachel Bennett
Rachel is a project officer providing technical support and coordination to the AusPECC team and Advisory Board. She has provided management support for numerous projects delivered by AusPECC and the Australian APEC Study Centre over the past five years, collaborating effectively and efficiently with a diverse range of stakeholders across the APEC region.
PECC Signature Project on a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP)
The Hon Craig Emerson (Chair), Director, Australian APEC Study Centre RMIT University and former Australian Trade Minister
Arjuna Nadaraja Chair, AusPECC
Jonathan Fried, CANCPECC
Loreto Leyton, Chair, ChilPECC
Dr Alan Bollard, Chair NZPECC
Dr Naronghchai Akrasanee, Chair TNCPEC
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